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angel investor 天使投資人〔指對一家或多家新興科技企業投資的個人〕。


Gigashow company limited is a newly founded web 2 . 0 based internet start - up firm which was funded by overseas angel investors and managed by senior professionals in china internet industry 北京極秀部落網絡科技有限公司是由海外投資人提供資金支持,并由國內互聯網業界經驗豐富的高級職業經理人初創的一家網絡科技企業,擁有并將開發和運營極秀網。

Loose networks of angel investors are beginning to codify the terms on which they can work together , such as by agreeing investment strategies and standardising investment terms 原先松散組織的天使投資者們正在開始將他們合作的方式正規化,比如在投資策略上達成一致以及將投資方式標準化。

Besides offering entrepreneurs easier terms , angel investors have their own strengths and weaknesses 而雖然商業天使們能給與創業家更寬松的條件,但是他們也有自己的優勢和缺陷。

Angel investor : a wealthy individual who invests in a start - up company with his or her own money 天使投資者:用自己的資金投資一家初創公司的富人。

What are the priority considerations for entrepreneurs contemplating angel investors 創業家考慮創投天使的重點是什么?

Whenever they got in trouble , there were these angel investors . . 每當這些公司有困難總有些天使般的投資人. .

Whenever they got in trouble , there were these angel investors 每當這些公司有困難總有些天使般的投資人

Angel investors set their own terms 天使投資人收取的費用則是他們自定的。

How do later round vcs view angel investors 后期階段的創投業者如何看待創投天使?